Saturday, July 9, 2011

The A Word

As I continue to figure out who I am and where I belong in the world and my purpose in life and whatnot, a particular word keeps popping into my head: Atheist.

I am not an atheist but the fact that this topic comes up in my head every day is interesting to say the least. I do believe in a God, however it's not the traditional Bearded Man on Heaven's Throne image that most people see. My God is invisible. Not a person but more like an energy, a controlling force. I call it God but I could just as easily call it Peanut Butter Sandwich if I wanted to (and if those didn't already exist).

I think that the reason I can't stop thinking about this is that I must be at that age when I stop believing everything my mother believes just because she believes it. I need to make my own decisions and find my own path in life.

I'd already silently declared myself non-Christian. I've also said many times that I'm not atheistic, just areligious. There's just nothing left that I agree with from the traditional church. I stumbled upon this post from Lisa Kerr. Although I've never been in a cult I can't help feeling the same way she does, or the way Anne Rice does for that matter.

But don't get me wrong, anonymous readers, religion isn't a bad thing. Quite the opposite, religion can be a very positive influence on a person's life. And for many people it is. But for me, it just didn't work out. When religion becomes an instrument of torture, meaning scaring people into believing what you believe by threatening an eternity in hell or a knife in the throat, that's when it becomes poisonous, and should be avoided.

I'm sick of the fact that the world's three largest religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) are also the world's most violent. There was a time when even these three groups got along. Why must there be a power struggle? Why must one side think they're are right for the same reasons another side thinks they're wrong? I think they're all worshiping the same God, just arguing over what to call him (or her, or it, or them).

Personally, I don't think there is a Universal Truth. I don't believe in the One True Way to heaven. I don't know if God is real or not. And frankly, I'm not going to worry about it right now. I don't have all the answers, and for now I'm fine with that. I'm just going to live my life the way I feel it should be lived.

But back to my first statement, I don't know why I have such a problem with the word Atheist, but in the Freudian tradition I'll blame my mother. I was raised in an all-Black Baptist church where the services easily pass the three-hour mark and there are constant displays of people, mostly women, passing out because they are consumed with the Holy Ghost.

Every Sunday there was a particular song played, it could've been any song, really, but at some point came a distinctive bass line. That plus the drums and organ led to the traditional Stomping on the Devil portion of church, followed by the long prayer where the pastor and several of the congregation would speak in tongues.

I was once baptized with the evidence of speaking in tongues. It's not a traditional baptism. I was in the youth group of a very prominent TV pastor's church. There was no water, no white clothes or whatever they do when you're baptized. The preacher's assistant placed some Anointing Oil (available at your local grocery store) on my forehead, said some prayers and sort of pushed me down. I looked at the children who had gone before me. They were lying down on the floor and I suppose speaking in tongues. So I did what they did. I was hoping that I would be speaking in tongues too as this would be my Born-Again date. But instead, I fell asleep. I took a cat-nap while I was supposed to be speaking to God in our own special language. (In my defense, I did wake up at 4am just so my mother could drive us all downtown to the mega-church.)

Bottom-line, it did nothing for me. When our family moved again to a closer, predominantly White but still incredibly Baptist church, similar things happened. There was no more speaking in tongues (I'm not sure how that would go over in a contemporary Baptist church), the old Gospel songs were replaced by synthesized violins on Yamaha keyboards and Jesus-themed pop songs and the Holy Ghost seemed to sit on the sidelines, but I felt the same way in the more intimate contemporary Baptist church that I did in the mega-church and in the small, incredibly HOT old-fashioned Baptist church in my grandmother's neighborhood: Nothing. I felt like I was missing out.

I would see people standing up, raising their hands, praising the Lord, knowing the words to the many songs, shouting out choruses of "Hallelujahs" and "Amens" during sermons and I felt...sleepy. Maybe I was too young to feel anything. But the kids in the youth group could feel the Holy Spirit. They would raise their hands, they knew the words to the many songs. Why couldn't I get into it?

I've never felt close to God in church. I've always felt like an outcast. I felt like I was Jim Carrey in The Truman Show. Like everyone had gotten together ahead of time to pull one over on me and see how I reacted. It just never felt real. In fact, the time I felt closest to God I was a hundred miles away from home and nowhere near a church. I was in the 6th grade and my school took a field trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains. On the first night, we all went outside to this giant MLS field-sized area. There was a giant light that provided our only source of illumination. At one point, that giant light turned off and our field guide told us to look up. I did. And for the first time in my life I could see EVERY star in the sky. I could see the Milky Way. I could see everything. There were so many stars in the sky that provided so much light it started to hurt my eyes. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen in my life.

I can understand how someone could look at the multitude and magnitude of stars in the sky and feel like a speck. To gaze upon the universe for the first time is quite a surreal experience and can make you feel alone and insignificant. But I didn't feel that way. I saw those billions upon billions of stars in the sky and felt protected. I felt like each and every star was looking out for me. I'd never felt so secure and safe before in my life. I said to myself, "This is God." I'd give anything to have that feeling back. Two days later I got my first period so that might've had something to do with all the emotions, but for the first time in my life I felt special. I felt loved. I felt like I mattered.

Yeah, God's in there somewhere.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Finally! I found a Blogger template that didn't completely mess everything up. That is all. Now back to listening to Jonny Greenwood's "There Will Be Blood" movie score.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Up Late.

I figure I should take advantage of my rampant insomnia by posting to mein blog. I don't know why every time I'm out of school my sleep schedule goes way off what is considered normal. I was so close to going to sleep before midnight and waking up while the time still reads A.M. Oh, well.

Anyway, I think the new fancy pants journal that looks older than time did the trick. I am writing and enjoying it again. (Hooray!) I also found a cheap-o fountain pen at Target that I already love. You see, fountain pens make me feel special. I can say, "I write with a fountain pen" and people say, "Oh wow! How cool." I love Target, too. It's like an upscale Walmart. I figure they sell the same things at the same prices, it just looks nicer at Target.

I'm only on page 4 of my new retro-journal and I've discovered that the longer I write the smaller my handwriting is. This is both good and bad news. Good: The journal will probably last forever. Bad: By the time I reach the end my handwriting will be so small I'll need a microscope to see it. But at least it will be finished. (Hashtag: Silver Lining)

There are many plot points I need to figure out. My novel, still titled The Hartigan War as of today, is rusty and dusty from years of neglect and needs a bit of a scrubbing. So I'm digging out my metaphorical rubber gloves and whipping out the book-scented Pine-Sol and getting to work. (On a side-note I think I might be developing OCD. Thanks a lot, Hoarders.)

Some things I would like to think about before finally getting to sleep:
  • Why is the mother in my stories either dead, dying, or evil?
  • Why do I call what I'm writing stories instead of novels? It is an aspiring novel after all, right? Right?
  • Why does driving at night in an unknown area FREAK ME OUT?
  • And most obviously: Why am I not asleep yet?
Perhaps when I wake up (12 hours from now) I shall have an answer to at least one of those.

Nighty night, fellow insomniacs.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mein Baby

I suppose my invisible audience would like to know more about my current Work-In-Progress, no?

Well, it is called (at the moment) The Hartigan War. It takes place during the American Civil War and centers around the Hartigan family, a vaguely half-Irish, half-French Southern family.

If it weren't currently in the midst of a massive plot overhaul I would tell you things that happen in the beginning like why my main character runs away from home and how he ends up enlisted in the Union army (I still don't know how he joins the Union army), but basically, the main character's name is Adam. His father is a douche and his mother has just died. Adam runs away with a slave named Aria and they head up north to the New York state area. Somehow Adam ends up in the Union Army where he meets a con-artist named Matthew and STUFF happens. I don't know what because I keep changing it.

What I NEED to do is sit down and write. Just write out what comes into my head instead of letting my inner-editor come in and say, "That's no good. Change it. Change it NOW!" I need to tell her to fuck off.

But not to worry, invisible readers, I shall keep you updated on what happens in my novel and how my hands are or are not functioning.

Happy writing!

Camp NaNoWriMo

I was snooping around on the internet when I decided to revisit the NaNoWriMo website, mainly because I was trying to see if my Scrivener coupon was still good. It is. (Note-to-self, it expires in September.) Anyway, I came across the brand spanking new Camp NaNoWriMo website and signed up. Apparently the site is for those who wish to pull a NaNoWriMo in July and August. I guess you pick one or the other, or both. Either way, I've signed up which means I'll be writing a 50,000-word novel in July and/or August.

Oh, crap.

And I'll be writing it by hand as I just bought this really awesome journal from Barnes & Noble that looks 200 years old and fits the context of my story perfectly. My hands already hurt. I wonder if my hand will even be functional by the end of July and/or August. Well, the point of doing NaNoWriMo is pushing yourself towards that finish line. I did just give myself a deadline for my current WIP, currently titled, The Hartigan War (I say 'currently' because as I mentioned in my previous post, this WIP has gone through more name changes/identity crises than I can count). I've been doodling with it for the past 8 years and I've officially announced my deadline for completion at October 31. Just in time for the next NaNoWriMo.

I imagine that by the time I've finished 3 months of handwriting fury the blisters on my left hand will have their own blister babies, complete with condos and tennis courts. And my brain will either be infinitely stronger during this word production marathon, or it will have overheated and melted out of my ears. Either way, by the end of it I should have one steaming pile of NOVEL that I can call my own. Squee.

Let's see how this one goes.

Friday, July 1, 2011

New Blog aka A 3-Post Day (So Far)

I've decided to move all of my posts from the sometimes hard to remember Things That Ransomed My Mind Blogspot to the easier to remember and brand spanking new Is Blog, Yes? Blogspot. Just because.

Again, I'm strangely productive when I should be sleeping.

I Want To Be a Korean Rapper

I have suddenly developed an intense love of Korean hip-hop.

Because of this sudden intense love of K-Pop as it's apparently called, I want to go to South Korea and become a Korean pop star. It shouldn't be THAT hard, right?

In fact, there are a lot of things I want to do right now: I want to redesign my room now that I've found out what a mezzanine is and need one (I don't think my bedroom was designed for a bed). I want a calming space to live in and I so don't have that right now. I hate yellow. My walls are yellow. I hate red. My carpet is red. I hate carpet unless it's extremely cushy. I have carpet that is considerably not cushy. I hate popcorn ceilings. I have popcorn ceilings. My window has a broken pane and was "fixed" with packing tape. The electrical outlets went on strike (except for one scab) and I'm forced to use a surge protector plugged into an extension cord plugged into the kitchen downstairs. It's a ghetto setup for reals.

Part of me just wants to say "screw it" and move out. Far out. Hence the South Korea dreamin'. In fact, I might not actually want to be a Korean rapper. Maybe what I desire is change. I want to get out of this environment and do something cool. I feel like a muggle. I want to hang with the cool, unsupervised kids who have to save the world or something (I didn't read the books, okay?) but instead I'm stuck with that awful family from the first five pages. I want to get to the part where the story picks up. I want excitement!

I am bored to tears with the life I'm living.

And since I can't exactly afford a trip to South Korea at the moment, I must think of other things to do. Like....Like.....Like.....I'll get back to you on that.

Bad Habits Re-Emerge but with some Good News

So what if it's 4am and I haven't gone to sleep yet. I've figured out what's wrong! With my writing, that is. As much as I love my Temple of the Red Velvet Jesus novel, those characters are driving me crazy. But I'm finally in the mood to write again and I'm doing everything I can to stay in that mood. But not with Ryan und Forrest for a while. So I've decided to move back to the first novel I ever started.

This is a novel that has gone through more title and plot changes than I can name. It's completely unrecognizable from it's original version from 2003. Literally the only thing that hasn't changed is the time period. Everything else, from character names, to the characters themselves and the plot is entirely different. I guess that's what happens when you've been working on a story for 8 years. Let's see if I can get this one finished by the decade mark.

Here's to a new-found purpose in das writing. Maybe I can finally get to sleep.