Saturday, July 2, 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo

I was snooping around on the internet when I decided to revisit the NaNoWriMo website, mainly because I was trying to see if my Scrivener coupon was still good. It is. (Note-to-self, it expires in September.) Anyway, I came across the brand spanking new Camp NaNoWriMo website and signed up. Apparently the site is for those who wish to pull a NaNoWriMo in July and August. I guess you pick one or the other, or both. Either way, I've signed up which means I'll be writing a 50,000-word novel in July and/or August.

Oh, crap.

And I'll be writing it by hand as I just bought this really awesome journal from Barnes & Noble that looks 200 years old and fits the context of my story perfectly. My hands already hurt. I wonder if my hand will even be functional by the end of July and/or August. Well, the point of doing NaNoWriMo is pushing yourself towards that finish line. I did just give myself a deadline for my current WIP, currently titled, The Hartigan War (I say 'currently' because as I mentioned in my previous post, this WIP has gone through more name changes/identity crises than I can count). I've been doodling with it for the past 8 years and I've officially announced my deadline for completion at October 31. Just in time for the next NaNoWriMo.

I imagine that by the time I've finished 3 months of handwriting fury the blisters on my left hand will have their own blister babies, complete with condos and tennis courts. And my brain will either be infinitely stronger during this word production marathon, or it will have overheated and melted out of my ears. Either way, by the end of it I should have one steaming pile of NOVEL that I can call my own. Squee.

Let's see how this one goes.

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